Featured Speaker: Dr. Brigitte Bojkowszky
About Dr. Brigitte Bojkowszky
Dr. Brigitte Bojkowszky, founder of BridgetBrands, is a company & personal brand identity strategist. With a career spanning over 23 years of teaching global marketing management and branding at universities across the globe and extensive experience in the corporate world, she possesses a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise. All with a passion for brand excellence, Brigitte guides entrepreneurs and organizations toward their brand's radiant future.
Her mission is to craft captivating brand identities that radiate beauty, brilliance, and authenticity, ultimately attracting the clients and recognition her clients truly deserve.
Brigitte is the host and producer of "BrandsTalk," a must-listen podcast for brand enthusiasts. On the show, she converses with thought leaders, CEOs, business owners, and experts, sharing invaluable firsthand insights and brand stories.
With a doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences specializing in International Marketing & Management from WU-Vienna, Austria, Brigitte boasts impeccable academic credentials. Her journey also includes a Master's in Business Administration & Education, along with certifications in communication, conflict management, leadership, Women Entrepreneurship from Cornell, and Design Thinking Workshop from Harvard University.
In her earlier career as a head flight attendant, Brigitte honed her leadership skills and gained a deep understanding of exceptional customer service. She has carried these invaluable lessons into academia and the private sector, further enhancing her credibility and authority.
Brigitte is not just an accomplished strategist but also an international best-selling author. Her book, "Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most," sheds light on her personal journey and the transformation of pain into purpose.
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Brigitte's Gift
About Dr. Brigitte Bojkowszky
Dr. Brigitte Bojkowszky, founder of BridgetBrands, is a company & personal brand identity strategist. With a career spanning over 23 years of teaching global marketing management and branding at universities across the globe and extensive experience in the corporate world, she possesses a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise. All with a passion for brand excellence, Brigitte guides entrepreneurs and organizations toward their brand's radiant future.
Her mission is to craft captivating brand identities that radiate beauty, brilliance, and authenticity, ultimately attracting the clients and recognition her clients truly deserve.
Brigitte is the host and producer of "BrandsTalk," a must-listen podcast for brand enthusiasts. On the show, she converses with thought leaders, CEOs, business owners, and experts, sharing invaluable firsthand insights and brand stories.
With a doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences specializing in International Marketing & Management from WU-Vienna, Austria, Brigitte boasts impeccable academic credentials. Her journey also includes a Master's in Business Administration & Education, along with certifications in communication, conflict management, leadership, Women Entrepreneurship from Cornell, and Design Thinking Workshop from Harvard University.
In her earlier career as a head flight attendant, Brigitte honed her leadership skills and gained a deep understanding of exceptional customer service. She has carried these invaluable lessons into academia and the private sector, further enhancing her credibility and authority.
Brigitte is not just an accomplished strategist but also an international best-selling author. Her book, "Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most," sheds light on her personal journey and the transformation of pain into purpose.
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