Featured Speaker: Dr. Joi Brown
About Dr. Joi Brown
CEO, 3eee Consulting
Dr. Joi Brown, acclaimed as the "Positive Energizer," is a multifaceted figure excelling as a Career Strategist, Life Coach, International Bestselling Author, Empowerment Speaker, and Entrepreneur. As the CEO of 3EEE Consulting, she channels over 25 years of expertise in human resource development, enriching organizations through innovative programs. Dr. Brown's journey from HR Intern to Human Resource Director in the Federal Government exemplifies her commitment to professional growth and excellence.
Dr. Brown's impact extends through her empowering literature, including anthologies like "The Essential Soft Skills for Effective Leadership" and "Step Into Leadership Greatness." Her sought-after insights have graced numerous podcasts, shows, and publications worldwide, earning her accolades such as Top 20 Business Coach, Influential Women Entrepreneur, Women to Watch, and International Women’s Day Woman of the Year.
Recognized for her commitment to empowerment, Dr. Brown has received prestigious awards including the State of Maryland Governor’s Citation, Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, and Sustainable Business Champion Award. With unwavering commitment, Dr. Joi Brown continues to fulfill her purpose of educating, equipping, and empowering individuals to achieve greatness
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Dr. Joi's Gift
About Dr. Joi Brown
Dr. Joi Brown, acclaimed as the "Positive Energizer," is a multifaceted figure excelling as a Career Strategist, Life Coach, International Bestselling Author, Empowerment Speaker, and Entrepreneur. As the CEO of 3EEE Consulting, she channels over 25 years of expertise in human resource development, enriching organizations through innovative programs. Dr. Brown's journey from HR Intern to Human Resource Director in the Federal Government exemplifies her commitment to professional growth and excellence.
Dr. Brown's impact extends through her empowering literature, including anthologies like "The Essential Soft Skills for Effective Leadership" and "Step Into Leadership Greatness." Her sought-after insights have graced numerous podcasts, shows, and publications worldwide, earning her accolades such as Top 20 Business Coach, Influential Women Entrepreneur, Women to Watch, and International Women’s Day Woman of the Year.
Recognized for her commitment to empowerment, Dr. Brown has received prestigious awards including the State of Maryland Governor’s Citation, Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, and Sustainable Business Champion Award. With unwavering commitment, Dr. Joi Brown continues to fulfill her purpose of educating, equipping, and empowering individuals to achieve greatness
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