Featured Speaker: Eileen McDargh
About Eileen McDargh
Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE
CEO (Chief Energy Officer), The Resiliency Group
Since starting her consultancy practice in 1980, Eileen McDargh has become known as a master facilitator, an award-winning author, and an internationally recognized keynoter/trainer and executive coach. Client have ranged from global pharmaceuticals to educational institutions, from hospitals to the U.S. Armed Forces.
She’s the author of seven books, including Your Resiliency GPS, A Guide for Growing Through Life & Work. Her book, Gifts from the Mountain, won the Ben Franklin Gold Award and was turned into a training program featuring Eileen. Her newest book was released to great acclaim: Burnout to Breakthrough: Building Resilience to Refuel, Recharge and Reclaim What Matters.
For the last six years Gurus International, a British-based provider of resources for leadership, communication and sales training, has ranked her in the top five of the World’s Top 30 COMMUNICATION Gurus following a global survey of 22,000 business professionals.
Eileen is a certified speaking professional (CSP), a certified virtual trainer, and was elected into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame. She’s also listed as a recommended expert through the Sloan Work and Family Research Network.
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Sign-up to receive The Resiliency Report, our newsletter and receive an excerpt of Eileen’s newest book “Burnout to Breakthrough” and a bonus: a digital copy of Talk Ain’t Cheap: It’s Priceless-Connecting in a Disconnected World.”
About Eileen McDargh
Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE
CEO (Chief Energy Officer), The Resiliency Group
Since starting her consultancy practice in 1980, Eileen McDargh has become known as a master facilitator, an award-winning author, and an internationally recognized keynoter/trainer and executive coach. Client have ranged from global pharmaceuticals to educational institutions, from hospitals to the U.S. Armed Forces.
She’s the author of seven books, including Your Resiliency GPS, A Guide for Growing Through Life & Work. Her book, Gifts from the Mountain, won the Ben Franklin Gold Award and was turned into a training program featuring Eileen. Her newest book was released to great acclaim: Burnout to Breakthrough: Building Resilience to Refuel, Recharge and Reclaim What Matters.
For the last six years Gurus International, a British-based provider of resources for leadership, communication and sales training, has ranked her in the top five of the World’s Top 30 COMMUNICATION Gurus following a global survey of 22,000 business professionals.
Eileen is a certified speaking professional (CSP), a certified virtual trainer, and was elected into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame. She’s also listed as a recommended expert through the Sloan Work and Family Research Network.
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