Featured Speaker: Jessica Derksen

About Jessica Derksen

Life & Business Coach

Jessica Derksen is the founder of Habitual Professional Development and specializes in high performance habit coaching in both personal and professional development. In a professional setting Jessica helps leaders truly lead and build more effective teams. Her clients learn how to control difficult situations, overcome mental obstacles, and understand themselves to effectively motivate themselves and their teams in achieving their desired outcomes.

Beyond her professional roles, Jessica's zest for life is evident in her love for adventure she enjoys hiking, running, obstacle course training, golfing, pickleball, snowboarding, and exploring new adventures with family and friends. With a firm belief that feeling great is the key to doing great things, Jessica Derksen is a beacon of inspiration in the world of personal and professional development.

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Jessica's Gift

About Jessica Derksen

Jessica Derksen is the founder of Habitual Professional Development and specializes in high performance habit coaching in both personal and professional development. In a professional setting Jessica helps leaders truly lead and build more effective teams. Her clients learn how to control difficult situations, overcome mental obstacles, and understand themselves to effectively motivate themselves and their teams in achieving their desired outcomes.

Beyond her professional roles, Jessica's zest for life is evident in her love for adventure she enjoys hiking, running, obstacle course training, golfing, pickleball, snowboarding, and exploring new adventures with family and friends. With a firm belief that feeling great is the key to doing great things, Jessica Derksen is a beacon of inspiration in the world of personal and professional development.


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