Featured Speaker: Leslie Polizzotto

About Leslie Polizzotto

Founder & Owner
Leslie is a former attorney who founded The Doughnut Project, a hand-crafted doughnut shop in New York City.  In addition to working daily at the shop, Leslie handles marketing, human resources, social media, brand growth, collaborations and licensing opportunities for the brand.  The shop has received extensive press for its unique flavors inspired by the food and cocktails of Manhattan.  The shop was a must-visit destination for visitors from all over the world. Leslie recently closed the retail store for the brand after 10 years to pursue other interests including her first project - publishing a cookbook for the brand.

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Leslie's Gift

About Leslie Polizzotto

Leslie is a former attorney who founded The Doughnut Project, a hand-crafted doughnut shop in New York City.  In addition to working daily at the shop, Leslie handles marketing, human resources, social media, brand growth, collaborations and licensing opportunities for the brand.  The shop has received extensive press for its unique flavors inspired by the food and cocktails of Manhattan.  The shop was a must-visit destination for visitors from all over the world. Leslie recently closed the retail store for the brand after 10 years to pursue other interests including her first project - publishing a cookbook for the brand.


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