Featured Speaker: Pearl Chiarenza

About Pearl Chiarenza

Mental Fitness Life Coach
A mental fitness life coach, author, and captivating speaker, Pearl champions women’s journeys to self-discovery and unapologetic self-care. Leading you on a transformative path where mind, body, and spirit unite, crafting your narrative as your own SHERO (Strong, Happy, Empowered, Radiant, Original) is her mission. One-on-one and group coaching, Pearl’s expertise extends to vibrant community SHERO gatherings and empowering women’s pajama retreats of self-renewal. Unwavering zeal, she equips you with the superpower of a positive mindset, helping you triumph over life’s trials with a cape of resilience. Pearl’s expertise is underscored by certification as a mental fitness trainer and a literary portfolio, including “Behind Her Brand” and Women’s Guide to The Mindset of a Successful Woman.” Pearl’s featured in various magazines, an honorary day in Syracuse, NY, and the prestigious Women of Worth Award. She is a mom to two adult sons Matthew (forever 25) and Nate (24) and loving wife to Chuck of 37 years.

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Pearl's Gift

About Pearl Chiarenza

A mental fitness life coach, author, and captivating speaker, Pearl champions women’s journeys to self-discovery and unapologetic self-care. Leading you on a transformative path where mind, body, and spirit unite, crafting your narrative as your own SHERO (Strong, Happy, Empowered, Radiant, Original) is her mission. One-on-one and group coaching, Pearl’s expertise extends to vibrant community SHERO gatherings and empowering women’s pajama retreats of self-renewal. Unwavering zeal, she equips you with the superpower of a positive mindset, helping you triumph over life’s trials with a cape of resilience. Pearl’s expertise is underscored by certification as a mental fitness trainer and a literary portfolio, including “Behind Her Brand” and Women’s Guide to The Mindset of a Successful Woman.” Pearl’s featured in various magazines, an honorary day in Syracuse, NY, and the prestigious Women of Worth Award. She is a mom to two adult sons Matthew (forever 25) and Nate (24) and loving wife to Chuck of 37 years.


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