Featured Speaker: Rhonda Liebig
About Rhonda Liebig
Rhonda Liebig, in the speaker world known as Rhonda Lou Moxy, believes that there are too many misunderstood discussions that are violent, along with shaming out there in the world. Rhonda is creating influence through her movement #speakerlockingarms, now is the time to partner and to create a loving more calm place throughout the world.
Rhonda Lou Moxy brings into the events her high-energy vibe and her vitality approach to support quantum leap discussions for lifestyle, health, and business updates. Rhonda will come and play virtually and/or LIVE with her high vitality intuition while showing up in all her dance and playfulness fun.
Rhonda is a two-time published author, certified health coach, speaker coach, vitality business coach, founder of Fresh Talks - Global Vision show, and CEO of Vitality Heart Hub. With over 10 years in the business world as a CPA, and 20 years in the health and wellness industry, she has overcome personal health struggles by learning how to stop, reframe, and revitalize for herself, her clients, and the audiences that she speaks with.
Rhonda was on thyroid medicine for 20 years and after 7 years off of medicine, she is finding a deeper purpose in life by listening, resetting, and creating in a bolder way. And that's why Rhonda is here!
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Rhonda's Gift
About Rhonda Liebig
Rhonda Liebig, in the speaker world known as Rhonda Lou Moxy, believes that there are too many misunderstood discussions that are violent, along with shaming out there in the world. Rhonda is creating influence through her movement #speakerlockingarms, now is the time to partner and to create a loving more calm place throughout the world.
Rhonda Lou Moxy brings into the events her high-energy vibe and her vitality approach to support quantum leap discussions for lifestyle, health, and business updates. Rhonda will come and play virtually and/or LIVE with her high vitality intuition while showing up in all her dance and playfulness fun.
Rhonda is a two-time published author, certified health coach, speaker coach, vitality business coach, founder of Fresh Talks - Global Vision show, and CEO of Vitality Heart Hub. With over 10 years in the business world as a CPA, and 20 years in the health and wellness industry, she has overcome personal health struggles by learning how to stop, reframe, and revitalize for herself, her clients, and the audiences that she speaks with.
Rhonda was on thyroid medicine for 20 years and after 7 years off of medicine, she is finding a deeper purpose in life by listening, resetting, and creating in a bolder way. And that's why Rhonda is here!
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