Featured Speaker: Teresa L'Heureux

About Teresa L'Heureux

Director of SRT Foundation
Teresa is an award winning Author, Professional Keynote Speaker, Certified Personal Trainer, Master Empowerment Life Coach, Entrepreneur and Domestic Violence Survivor. She is dedicated to serving others and helping those globally find new direction by gathering immense strength from within to start their journey away from toxic situations of abuse. She has more than 16years of experience supporting victims and survivors through her coaching, resources and now this book project: MY ROCK MY HARD PLACE. She is on a mission to advocate and create awareness about the issue of domestic violence for healing to begin and continue. Teresa speaks of her tragedy but highlights her triumphs that she experienced to get past the pain and create an amazing life. She believes that you must take back your power and know your worth to let the healing begin. She lives with her husband, Cliff, in Sacramento CA, and a menagerie of rescue fur babies including her two Siberian Huskies; Akira and Hachi, along with a collection of kitties of all shapes, sizes and attitudes!

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Teresa's Gift

A signed copy of my book personally packed and shipped to the winner

About Teresa L'Heureux

Teresa is an award winning Author, Professional Keynote Speaker, Certified Personal Trainer, Master Empowerment Life Coach, Entrepreneur and Domestic Violence Survivor. She is dedicated to serving others and helping those globally find new direction by gathering immense strength from within to start their journey away from toxic situations of abuse. She has more than 16years of experience supporting victims and survivors through her coaching, resources and now this book project: MY ROCK MY HARD PLACE. She is on a mission to advocate and create awareness about the issue of domestic violence for healing to begin and continue. Teresa speaks of her tragedy but highlights her triumphs that she experienced to get past the pain and create an amazing life. She believes that you must take back your power and know your worth to let the healing begin. She lives with her husband, Cliff, in Sacramento CA, and a menagerie of rescue fur babies including her two Siberian Huskies; Akira and Hachi, along with a collection of kitties of all shapes, sizes and attitudes!


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